In addition to her books on screenwriting and spirituality Linda’s authorship is recognized worldwide resulting in requests to contribute to others’ informative works.

Behind the Screen: Hollywood Insiders on Faith, Film and Culture
Chapter by Linda Seger
Behind the Screen offers a glimpse of Hollywood insiders who, through their jobs on movie sets, behind TV shows, and in radio broadcasts, work together to give glory to God. more…

The Healing Touch of Horses
Chapter by Linda Seger
This book will appeal to everyone with a love of horses and an appreciation for the unique relationship we humans have with these very special animals, a relationship that can transform lives for the better. more…

Signs of Life: Reading on Popular Culture for Writers
Chapter by Linda Seger
The selections in Signs of Life are arranged in provocative chapters (on such themes as gender codes, television and music, film, and advertising) that tap into students’ own experiences with and interest in popular culture. more…
See more of Linda’s books: Books on Spirituality and Screenwriting Books