Beyond Linear Thinking was a finalist in the American Book Fest 2022 “Best Book” Award category for Non-Fiction: Cross-Genre
God’s Part in Our Art received the 2022 Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA) EVVY Bronze Award in the non-fiction spiritual/religion category, was a finalist in the 2022 Christian Writers for Life (CWFL) Book Award and was a finalist in in the 2021 American Book Fest “Best Book” Award in the category of Non-fiction: Creative.
Spiritual Steps on the Road to Success: Gaining the Goal Without Losing your Soul, received the Illumination Book Award – Enduring Light Medal Inspirational 2015 Gold Medalist. The award shines “a light on exemplary Christian books.” Spiritual Steps also received the American Book Fest 2016 “Best Book” Award under the category of Religion: Christian Inspirational.
Jesus Rode a Donkey: Why Millions of Christians are Democrats received the Illumination Book Award – 2015 Silver Medal Winner – Christian Living. This award shines “a light on exemplary Christian books.”
Reflections with God while Waiting to be Healed was the winner in 2017 for the Bookvana Book Award under Religion: Christian Inspirational.
The Alphabet Prayer by Linda Seger and her husband Peter Le Var was a finalist in the 2017 Bookvana Awards under the category of Spirituality: Meditation/Prayer